Central management snubs EWC!

Central management snubs EWC!

Article: Central management snubs EWC!

The central management snubbed the employee representatives of DB AG European Works Council from more than 20 countries at their meeting on 26 February in Berlin.

In a manner considered to be very arrogant by the employee representatives, management stated that no decision had yet been made concerning the Shared Service Center project (pan-European concentration of accounting). A decision on this would be made at management level alone and there would be no negotiations with the employee representatives.

The European employee representatives fully understand the need for further standardisation and improvements in the quality of accounting. However, they wholly reject any deliberations aimed solely at exploiting wage cost advantages through pan-European concentration of accounting. This still cannot be ruled out. Central management explicitly warned that harsh measures for the employees concerned could not be avoided.

The European Works Council strongly disagrees with the uncooperative attitude of the employer shown so far. The EWC will not tolerate this manner of dealing with employee representatives. Job security within the DB AG Group is at stake in all European countries where DB AG and their subsidiaries are located. Central management agreed to give the EWC full and detailed information on 17 March. The European Works Council expects their employer to keep their promise. The EWC continues to demand full information and a hearing before a final management decision is made.