Presentation of the Deutsche Bahn AG

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Article: Presentation of the Deutsche Bahn AG

The DB-Group at a glance

The Deutsche Bahn Group offers international mobility and logistics services and operates in over 130 countries worldwide. Some 295,000 employees, 193,000 of which are in Germany, are hard at work every day ensuring that customers are provided with mobility and logistical services and that the related rail, road, ocean and air traffic networks are operated and managed efficiently.Every day, the DB-Group’s Passenger Transport Division carries over 10 million people on its trains and buses throughout Europe. The Transportation and Logistics Division transports some 412 million tonnes of goods by rail and some 96 million consignments by road in our European network every year. In our global networks, over 1.1 million tonnes of air freight and over 1.7 million TEU of ocean freight are transported annually. The DB-Group also operates the 33,600 km German rail network, the longest in Europe.