Members of the European Works Council of DB AG

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Article: Members of the European Works Council of DB AG

The DB Group employs people in all EU Member States - except Cyprus and Malta - as well as in Great Britain, Norway and Switzerland. 18 of these countries are currently represented by members on the EWC.

Austria (A)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Austrian workforce in the European Works Council

Since February 2009, Peter Horvath from Schenker & Co AG represents the Austrian workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Peter Horvath

Peter Horvath

Information concerning the DB Group in Austria:

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Belgium (B)

Member of the EWCRepresentative of the Belgium workforce in the European Works Council

Since November 2021, Charles Huysman from DB Schenker represents the Belgium workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Charles Huysman

Dieter Vandervoort represents the Belgium workforce of the DB group in the EWC.


Dieter Vandervoort

Information concerning the DB Group in Belgium:

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Croatia (CRO)

Members of the EWC

Representative of the Crotiian workforce in the European Works Council



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Czech Republic (CZ)

Members of the EWC

Representative of the Czech workforce in the European Works Council

Since January 2016, Radka Kopecka from Schenker spol. s r. o.  represents the Czech workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Radka Foto

Radka Kopecka

Schenker spol. s r. o.

Information concerning the DB Group in Czech Republic:

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Denmark (DK)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Danish workforce in the European Works Council.

Since June 2006, Jorn Jessen from DB Cargo Denmark represents the Danish workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Jorn Jessen

Joern Jessen

Since January 2020, Annette Hertz from DB Schenker represents the Danish workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

portrait annette Hertz

Annette Hertz

Since January 2021, Lars Martin Svendsen from DB Arriva represents the Danish workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Lars Martin Svendsen

Information concerning the DB Group in Denmark:

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Estonia (EST)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Estonian workforce in the European Works Council

Since December 2019, Piia Kadastik from Schenker & Co AG represents the Estonian workforce of the DB group in the EWC.


Piia Kadastik

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Finland (FI)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Finnish workforce in the European Works Council

Since the constituting meeting of the EWC on 6 July 2005, Janne Aallonloiske from Schenker Cargo Oy represents the Finnish workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Janne Aallonloiske

Janne Aallonloiske

Information concerning the DB Group in Finland:

(Number of entire workforce, subsidiaries of the DB Group, etc.)

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France (F)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the French workforce in the European Works Council

Since March 2019, Corinne Janzik from DB Schenker represents the French workforce of the DB group in the EWC

Corinna Janzik

Corinne Janzik

Since November 2020, Abdelkader Lakehal from DB Cargo represents the French workforce of the DB group in EWC

Abdelkader Lakehal

Abdelkader Lakehal

Information concerning the DB Group in France:

(Number of entire workforce, subsidiaries of the DB Group, etc.)

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Germany (D)

Members of the EWC

Representatives of the German workforce in the European Works Council

12 members represent the German workforce in the DB Group.

Angelika Dumjahn, DB Cargo

Angelika Dumjahn


Jörg Hensel

Chairperson of the EWC

DB Cargo Deutschland

Ralf Halbauer, DB Regio AG

Ralf Halbauer

Gerhard Herbert, DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH

Gerhard Herbert

DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH

Birgit Kördel-Khalil

Andreas Krüger

Walther Meusel

Walther Meusel

Deputy Chairperson of the EWC

Schenker AG Deutschland

Heike Moll, DB Station & Service AG

Heike Moll

DB Station & Service AG

Andreas Oehmen, DB Fernverkehr AG

Andreas Oehmen

Petra Pohl, DB Cargo

Petra Pohl

Information concerning the DB Group in Germany:

(Number of entire workforce, subsidiaries of the DB Group, etc.)

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Hungary (H)

 Information concerning the DB Group in Hungary

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Italy (I)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Italian workforce in the European Works Council



 Information concerning the DB Group in Italy:

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Latvia (LV)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Latvian workforce in the European Works Council



Information concerning the DB Group in Latvia:

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Luxembourg (L)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Luxembourg workforce in the European Works Council



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Netherlands (NL)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Dutch workforce in the European Works Council

Since May 2007, Fred van Oort from DB Cargo Nederland N.V. represents the Dutch workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Fred van Oort, DB Schenker Rail Nederland N.V.

Fred van Oort

Deputy Chairperson of the EWC

DB Cargo Nederland N.V.

Since April 2012, Herman de Schaepmeester from Schenker BTL represents the Dutch workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Herman de Schaepmeester

Herman de Schaepmeester

Since November 2018, Fred Iwema from DB Arriva represents the Dutch workforce of the DB group in the EWC

Fred Iwema

Fred Iwema

Information concerning the DB Group in the Netherlands:

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Norway (NO)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Norwegian workforce in the European Works Council

Since December 2019, Sten Rune Wold from Schenker AS represents the Norwegian workforce of the DB group in the EWC.


Sten Rune Wold

Information concerning the DB Group in Norway:

(Number of entire workforce, subsidiaries of the DB Group, etc.)

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Poland (PL)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Polish workforce in the European Works Council.



Information concerning the DB Group in Poland:

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Portugal (PT)
Romania (RO)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Romanian workforce in the European Works Council

Since October 2013, Mihai Militaru from Schenker Romtrans S.A. represents the Romanian workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Mihai Foto

Mihai Militaru

Information concerning the DB Group in Romania:

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Sweden (S)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Swedish workforce in the European Works Council

Since July 2019, Maria Sjölin Bergman from DB Schenker represents the Swedish workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Maria Bergman

Maria Sjölin Bergmann

Information concerning the DB Group in Sweden

(Number of entire workforce, subsidiaries of the DB Group, etc.)

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Spain (ES)

Members of the EWC

Representative of the Spanish workforce in the European Works Council

Since March 2012, Ralf Kreihansl from DB Schenker Spain-Tir represents the Spanish workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Ralf Kreihansl

Ralf Kreihansl

DB Schenker Spain-Tir

Since Juli 2020, Fernando Munoz Diaz from Transfesa Logistics, S.A. represents the Spanish workforce of the DB group in the EWC

Fernando Munoz Diaz

Arriva Spain Holding.SL

Since April 2019, Bernardo Garcia Barroso from Transfesa represents the Spanish workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Bernardo Garcia Barroso

Bernardo Garcia Barroso

Information concerning the DB Group in Spain:

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Slovakia (SK)

Member of the EWC

Representative of the Slovakian workforce in the European Works Council

Since December 2022, Juraj Karaska represents the Slovakian workforce of the DB group in the EWC.


Juraj Karaska

Information concerning the DB Group in Slovakia:

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Slovenia (SL)

Members of the EWC

Representatives of the Slovenian workforce in the European Works Council

Since October 2016, Rado Hauptman from DB Schenker represents the Slovenian workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Rado Hauptman

Rado Hauptman

Information concerning the DB Group in Slovenia: 

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United Kingdom (GB)

Members of the EWC

Representative of the British Workforce in the European Works Council

Since June 2021, Jamuna Pun from Schenker Limited represents the British workforce of the DB group in the EWC. 

Jamuna Pun

Since October 2012, Jim Moran from Arriva plc. represent the British workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

Jim Moran

Jim Moran

Deputy Chairperson of the EWC

DB Arriva Great Britain

Since November 2021, James Glew from DB Cargo UK represents the British workforce of the DB group in the EWC.

James Glew

Since 2022, Patricia Davis represents the British workforce of the DB group in the EWC.


Patricia Davis

Since 2023, Garry Mhatre represents the British workforce of the DB group in the EWC.


Garry Mhatre

Information concerning the DB Group in the United Kingdom:

(Number of entire workforce, subsidiaries of the DB Group, etc.)


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