European Works Council achieves major success

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European Works Council achieves major success

Article: European Works Council achieves major success

The European Works Council has successfully negotiated with Central Management to ensure that minimum social standards are agreed for bookkeeping employees affected by Europe-wide relocation.

Following its regular meeting in February, the DB AG European Works Council (EWC) again discussed the shared service centre project (Europe-wide concentration of bookkeeping) at a special meeting on 20 and 21 May. This became necessary following the Group Management Board's decision to move bookkeeping to Romania. After intensive discussion, the EWC of DB AG continues entirely to reject the concentration and transfer to Romania of Europe-wide bookkeeping.

However, the EWC of DB AG is not in a legal position to prevent this business decision by the Group Management Board from taking effect. To protect the employees affected across the whole of Europe, a way had to be found to at least ensure that those impacted will be entitled to minimum social standards.

In addition, the EWC of DB AG is demanding further documentation from Central Management. It is also expected that the consultations with the EWC of DB AG will be completed and minimum social standards agreed before the measures are implemented in the individual countries.