EWC of DB AG writes history

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EWC of DB AG writes history

Article: EWC of DB AG writes history

The European Works Council of Deutsche Bahn AG has achieved its aim of setting social minimum standards for employees affected by the Europe-wide relocation of accounting jobs.

Since the announcement that accounting would be relocated to Bucharest, the European Works Council has vehemently demanded the agreement of social minimum standards for the employees affected by the move. Following long and tough negotiations, the EWC has now agreed a very favourable deal for staff at its meeting in Rotterdam on 28 October 2015.

Among other things, the agreement includes provisions on:

  • A Europe-wide internal DB job market
  • Priority to be given to enabling staff to move to a new position in their home country within their existing company
  • Priority of continued employment within the DB Group
  • Support in finding another job
  • Special training as necessary
  • Set-up of a hardship fund
  • An early retirement option
  • Establishment of a "joint panel" with an equal number of representatives from DB and the EWC "to resolve possible differences of opinion regarding the interpretation of this agreement"
EWC meeting in October 2015
Signing of the agreement (Foto: Eut van Berkum)

The European Works Council welcomes the agreement, which is the first of its kind at European company level.