Article: Farewell to Dany de Borger, Vice-Chair of the EWC
Dany de Borger, who has been a member of the European Works Council from the very beginning, will be retiring.
Dany de Borger will be given a ceremonial farewell by the EWC Chairman in the course of the virtual EWC meeting to be held from 26-28 October 2022. On behalf of the entire EWC, Jörg Hensel wishes to thank him for the hard work he has put in to establishing and structuring the EWC since it was formed in 2005. His even temper and consistent focus on finding solutions, for example in reaching an agreement with Central Management on the Accounting Shared Service Center, have made a substantial contribution to the success of the EWC. He wishes him all the best and good health for the coming years.
The representatives of Central Management also bid farewell to Dany de Borger and thank him for the fruitful collaboration over the past years.
Dany de Borger says that he is proud to have been able to contribute to making the European Works Council into an effective representative body. He wishes the EWC every success in the future.